Monday, August 13


I’m so super lazy that I can put a hibernating grizzly to shame. On any given weekend, I adorn the cloak of the archbishop of procrastination. Never mind the grime on it though; I have been planning to get it cleaned since long. And if there’s a place that could qualify as “the Louvre of Laziness”, it has to be mine. There’s a mountain of washed clothes lying in one corner of my room with every piece of clothing begging for its rightful place in the closet. But they will have to wait as I’m “very busy” this Sunday to buy a cupboard. The washbasin is almost in tears of loneliness now, waiting for the new mirror I had promised it months ago since the old mirror broke. And the remains of the old one are a different story altogether. They just hang on, hoping for a decent burial. There’s a small unused refrigerator that resembles the leaning tower of Pisa as one of its legs is gone and it pines for a date with a technician. Seabiscuit is lying somewhere on the table waiting impatiently for the race to begin so it could gallop away to glory. And then there are empty beer bottles. More than three dozen of them, dying to make the journey in a rag picker’s bag to the brewery so they could have their fill. There are a couple of forms in the drawer eagerly waiting to be filled up so they could justify their existence. Just besides the forms are two watches with their arms folded, awaiting a new set of batteries so they could catch up with all the time they’ve lost.
And along with all these things in the house, there’s me, spread all over the bed with my headphones on, scrolling aimlessly through the playlist, awaiting another weekend.
PS: There are a hundred other things besides the ones listed above craving for a mention here. “Calm down!” I say to them, “your turn comes next Sunday.”

Thursday, August 2

We, the people

Come to think of it and you’ll realize that its not the places you’re at that matter. Rather, its the people around you. Its people who make you or break you. Its people who give you the fondest of memories of the place you’d wished you’d never be at, at all. And at the most amazing of places, its people who leave you heartbroken. Its people who bring a smile to your face and its people who bring a tear to your eyes. Its people who hold it for you and its people who hold it against you. Its people who cry for you and its people who laugh at you. Its people who praise you and its people who find fault in you. Its people who really know you and its people who just judge you.

FYI: I’m one of those people.