Friday, November 23

Let it be…

What can be more frustrating for me - not getting what I want, not wanting what I get? Or realising that I'm caught in this conundrum? A conundrum, by one of the many definitions, is a riddle in which a fanciful question is answered by a pun. I take a second look at the question and arrive at the best possible option - just leave the question to question itself and maybe, one day it will answer itself…

Wednesday, November 21


Have you ever let someone into your heart and that someone let go of you? With time you find out that, strangely, your heart won't let that someone leave. And then, that someone occupies your mind for most of the times, gradually getting relegated to its deepest recesses, becoming a thought. Now, a thought is a thought. It can flash across your mind without any warnings, at any moment, for any reason. The trigger can be the simplest of things - a smile on anybody's face, a colour on the canvas, a whiff of scent in the air, a song on the radio, a gentle wind blowing across the field, a spatter of raindrops on the windowpane, a sunny morning by the lakeside; even a homeless leaf of Chinar in the autumn or a tear in somebody's eyes.
And you realise that you can't forget that someone no matter how hard you try because that someone has become a part of the world around you…

Friday, November 16

Awesome threesome!

Its way past midnight and my sleep decides to desert me. Left with nothing but a set of tired thoughts, I start hitting the keys. I write lines and then delete them. Another attempt but hit the backspace again and again. At a loss for words, I figure out that I could manage something if I start talking to myself. But my inner self isn't inclined to partner me.
As if one traitor wasn’t enough! Two accomplices joining hands to leave me in misery.
'Fuck you both', I decide. 'The next time you turn back, I won't sleep and I won't speak.'

I think we got a decent set-up here...

Me: Time to listen to some music. How about some Paul Van Dyk?

I start losing into the beat but…

Myself: Are you crazy? Listening to that shit at three in the night? There ain’t no party going on here…

Me: Well, you can assume it starts right now!

Myself: I’m in no mood for jokes.

Me: Well, in that case, let me listen to some serious stuff.

Myself: Don't you have something better to do?

Me: I can dance. Yeah, that would be better. But only if you let me play some fuckin music!

Myself: Stop chewing my brain!

Me: Well, if you've forgotten, let me remind you. It’s my brain too and I can do whatever I want with it!
*sticking out my middle finger @ myself*

Myself: I wish you would start wanting to use it the right way!

Me: Now, of all the people, you are gonna pass a judgment on how I think? You, who's a mere reflection of me? That’s the funniest thing I've heard all day!

Myself: Oh, and you are going to be a critic of my comic abilities. Grow up! Ms. Hilton can do a better stand up act than you!

Me: Gotcha! You fancy her, don’t you? At 3 in the night, it’s Paris on your mind, you horny bastard!

Myself: You calling me horny? As if I don't know what 'comes' to your mind every seven seconds.

Feeling a bit sidelined, our dear little Ms. Sleep decides to quip in: Fuck you two! Stop that argument of yours about who’s hornier and both of you can have me right now!

Guess who the winner here is? Goodnight and sweet dreams!