Monday, January 21

Arbit Wisdom

You can have big dreams even if you're an insomniac...

Wednesday, January 2

A year gone bye…

A year comes to an end.
And Delhi grows older. The Chandni Chowks, the Jama Masjids and the dusty by-lanes of the Sarais are slowly withering away, coming face to face with the reality that sooner or later, they will be mere names mentioned in nostalgic conversations. Or sepia toned photographs in expensive coffee table books. Or untouchable artifacts in a godforsaken gallery of some archaic museum.
A year comes to an end.
And Delhi is still the same. It's enticings of money, success, fame, power still enchant herds from the hinterland to throng its promising pastures. It still sweats and thirsts in the sultry summers, drenches and quenches in the showers of the monsoons and shivers and sleeps in the chilly winters. It still rushes through the days and the nights and the times in between as if stuck in a time warp.
A year comes to an end.
And Delhi is evolving. The walled city turns into a glazed metropolis, with buildings overshadowing each other with architectural authority. The giant keeps on growing and expanding into a complex maze of Greater Xs and Phase Nths, gobbling up erstwhile barren territories with tarmac and concrete. The view gets glitzier and flashier, revealing newer dimensions of lust and greed veiled in a garb of progress and lifestyle.
Another year of living in Delhi comes to an end.
And I keep ageing/languishing/evolving with it.