Monday, November 21

Time travel

Who says a man can't make a journey through time and space?

Here I am, having been through a blooming galaxy onto a barren black-hole in a span of 48 hours and I didn't even need an expensive multi-million dollar spaceship...

All I needed was a figment of my imagination and a whole fragment of harsh reality!

Now that the spaceship has landed, it’s time for me to make an assessment - whether I should be an astronaut again or should I stick only to flying paper planes…

Saturday, November 12


Writing this one after a gap of close to three years... Feels like I was stuck in a time-warp for such a long time... Blame Facebook for the laziness - got a lot of posts like these, but was lazy enough to not have updated here via CTRL+C CTRL+V...

To hate is easier than to love,

To doubt is easier than to believe.

That's why this world is where it is,

Than where it would have ought to be.

To let go is easier than to hold on,

To break down is easier than to be strong.

That's why some of us are at the crossroads,

And the rest are wherever they sought to be…